
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Talk on Peace & Spirituality (Narration)

Ubqari Magazine - May 2012

Yes! The bark of that tree got associated with the Prophet PBUH. How lucky was the bark on which the Prophet sat; the Prophet Muhammad PBUH took sittings there. Lastly, the Prophet PBUH got it buried. If the bark of the tree gets associated with the Prophet then there is not limit to its joy. That bark of the date tree will be made a tree of heaven. There are annunciations for the follower of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Only if he shall vindicate the Prophet Muhammad PBUH and vindicate his name and increase his devotion and association with Him… Shall Allah not reward you? My friends! Ponder on this…
AUDIT YOUR AFFECTION FOR PROPHET MUHAMMAD PBUH: Think peacefully; think deeply; how much are we adhering to the Holy Prophet PBUH. How much vindication are we maintaining for these associations? When its time to offer prayers then what condition, what apprehension do we experience?
An honest & simple lover of the Prophet: I received a letter recently. I got the mail as usual. When I read the letter then it stood out to be from a glorious personality. I replied to him to send me his number which he did. We met; he visited from out of town. He was a 20th grade principal of the local college. He was so simple that I asked once of my companions that do u know that he is a 20th grade office; what can you say about him? He replied in negation. Said he looks like as if he has parked his cart-wheel outside. The noor which I saw and felt from him and the association which he possessed (ALLAH HO AKBAR). His slavery and association with the Holy Prophet was showing off from his each part; each act. I sat and spoke to him for long. I took his interview and kept conversing with him and believe me, I saw the wonder of his life; the noor of his life; and the joyance of his life. He told me that he is a 20th grade officer and his salary is 50,000 but I remembered the following verse on his simplicity:
حبیب خدا دے فقیراں تو ںصدقے
    فقیر اں دے روشن ضمیراں توں صدقے
    نہ دولت توں صدقے نہ جنت توں صدقے
    تیری زلف تے جاں اسیراں توں صدقے
     جناں رومی جامی تے سعدی نوں ڈنگیا
     میں انہاںپیاری اکھیاں تے تیراں توں صدقے

Believe me, this stanza fits on the principal completely; he was Muhammadi PBUH; yes – he was..
Our three superior associations: If the bark of the tree gets associated with the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, even then it cries when apart. Did we ever cry in the absence of the Prophet? No! My friends! This is why acquire such associations. We should reach for high associations as that’s what we deserve. We are very valuable; we rank very high. Due to these associations, we have the following with us:

  1. Allah
  2. Prophet Muhammad PBUH
  3. Associations of the chaste devout

We are very rich.

Association of the dog with the saint: My friends! Value your associations. Recognize your association; we should not be below than that bark of the tree. We should not be below than that dog of the Ashaab-e-Kahf (Men of the cave). That dog received association from pious humans. 

Ashaab-e-Kahf were not prophets nor messengers but they were slaves of Allah’s Prophet. They migrated to save Islam. A shepherd was standing there; he also joined them and so did his dog. The dog moved along with the pious people, respected them, did not bark, and did not misbehave; he just followed them.
ناں میں بھونکا ںناں میں ٹونکاں نہ میں شور مچاواں
       نیکاں دے لڑلگ کے شایدمیںوی بخشا جاواں

He just moved with them; he did affection and adhered with them. The dog was associated with the chaste people. Allah has said to send that dog to heaven on the Day of Judgment. (At some places it is said that it will be sent in human form. And Allah has power on everything)
The female camel became jannati on its association: Hazrat Saleh AS had a camel. She got Hazrat Saleh’s adoration, relation and association. Mohdaseen have mentioned that Allah Almighty will also make the camel enter paradise. Although on the Day of Judgment, Allah Almighty will balance their account and terminate them. The paradise is for humans. The paradise is for the followers of the Prophet and for other ummatis.
Do not be inferior to animals: Such splendor with a camel, a dog and such condition for a tree. My friends! Do not become inferior to a dog, or a camel; don’t go below than a tree. We are Muhammadi PBUH, Muhammadi PBUH; our association is Muhammadi PBUH. We are related to that Kamli PBUH; are associated to him. Vindicate that association; take care of it.
Penance of our formalities:

  1. A man came and performed a strange act. When I inquired the reason he said that it’s a trend in our family. My father has asked us to maintain it.
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